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HandyZIP - Overview

With HandyZIP you can view, extract and compress information in the popular ZIP format, thus saving memory, and significantly increasing the storage capacity of your device and storage cards.
    Adding files and folders to a HandyZIP archive is as easy as copying and pasting items from Windows Explorer. You can even create new ZIP archives while on the road, and use them to send compact attachments with your e-mail, or to speed up synchronization with your Desktop PC.
      Extend the effectiveness of your handheld device
      Keeping notes and documents in compressed format means that you can have more information with you, thus extending the effectiveness of your mobile device. With HandyZIP you can also extract contents of any ZIP archive you download from the web, from newsgroups, or attached to your incoming e-mail.
        Furthermore, viewing and updating contents of a HandyZIP archive is as easy as double-tapping on the screen. Thanks to its AutoUpdate feature, HandyZIP will automatically synchronize any modification you make while viewing files, and reflect the changes to the ZIP archive.
        • Download your free evaluation copy now!
